About us

Mr. Riandy

My Story

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Min. 2 grades improvement
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Teaching experience

“Making progress, not perfection.”

Teacher Profile

Mr. Riandy holds a bachelor of science and graduated with an impressive 1st Class Honours in Chemistry & Biological Chemistry from Nanyang Technological University. He was awarded the full undergraduate scholarship and The Dean’s List twice, for being part of the exclusive group of students in achieving the top 5 percentile amongst the entire school cohort.


Apart from his impressive academic credentials, Mr. Riandy has also gathered more than a decade (10 years) of experience in chemistry tuition or coaching over 1000 students from various schools to date. He is not only well-versed in the current Singapore MOE syllabus, but also capable of producing top-level students and many who made significant progress in their grades. As a firm believer that learning has to be fun, he likes to liven up the class with jokes and interesting stories. From students’ testimonies, Mr. Riandy is well-known for being experienced, patient, fun, and clear in delivering complicated chemistry concepts.


His passion for teaching started when he was young when he did voluntary teaching at school during his university time. With his extraordinary academic result back then, it is not difficult for him to get a graduate scholarship for the research study. However, Mr. Riandy chose to realise his passion, devoting himself to teaching roles, trying to genuinely make a positive impact in the lives of others.


"My understanding and grade for chemistry have improved drastically under Mr. Riandy’s tutelage. From not knowing what was going on in class, I am now able to understand and do questions correctly."
Magenta O.
SAJC J2 2022 (S to A promo)
"Teacher Riandy’s explanation is clear and concise. His explanations make complex concepts easy to remember and explain. He has great wealth of materials that one will never lack of enough practices or notes. In addition, he is always happy to answer questions on whatsapp and this has helped my learning greatly."
Jimmy H.
RJC 2021 (A for A-level Chemistry)
"Mr. Riandy is very friendly while teaching. Whenever you can ask him for help, he will always help you patiently."
Maegan K.
BVSS S4 2022 (C5 to A2 prelim)
"I finally understand more in depth about chemistry after joining the lesson. I was totally clueless at the start but Mr Riandy spent time to explain and cleared my doubts. He also printed a lot of practice papers and extra worksheets to help me understand better."
Bernice L.
PRSS S4 2021 (improved from F9 to C6 after the first 3 lessons)
"I’ve always been stuck at C6 ever since taking pure chemistry. However, upon joining the tuition, I have gotten an A1 on my recent test. Mr Riandy has helped me gain a better understanding of the concepts and made me more confident in my answering techniques."
Riddhi G.
CHIJKC S4 2021

What makes us different

Customised Pace and Topic

Did your school teacher go through a topic too fast or maybe too slow? You do not need to worry anymore as we teach according to your learning pace. So, do let us know if the pace is too fast so that we can slow it down for you.

Flexible Scheduling

cannot go to chemistry class due to urgent matters? Don’t worry. You can let us know and book another make-up class in the next available slot.

Small Group

we will still conduct the class even if there is only 1 student. In the small class setting, the teacher will have a greater chance to make a good impact on the student's result. Students can also ask more questions to clarify their doubts.

Continuous Support

We always strive to make learning fun and flexible for students. Whenever the students encounter any problems, they can directly ask the teacher via telegram or WhatsApp. Alternatively, there are also online O level and A level chemistry lessons for those that are still worried about Covid-19 infection.



Our F.A.R. teaching methodology has proved to help students in their studies. We believe that a strong foundation and ability to see the question pattern are the keys to science subject mastery.

1. Foundation building

A solid foundation is necessary to learn more challenging concepts. That’s why it is common for students to struggle in learning more complicated chapters like the mole concept and stoichiometry due to their weak fundamentals. Here, we provide students with our step-by-step guided learning process. We also provide notes and materials, such as videos or diagrams that help the student to understand the concept effectively and systematically. 

2. Application to problem solving

Most students struggle in doing certain questions because they do not know the right way to solve the questions. In this step, we will teach students the ‘trick’ to solve the questions in the shortest period. They will be exposed to various kinds of questions from basic to intermediate level, to prepare them to do more challenging data-based questions.

3. Recognising question pattern

Through repetitive learning and doing similar kinds of questions, students will be able to recognize the question pattern from various topics. It increases their capability to identify different kinds of questions and to apply the correct ‘trick’ to solve them faster. This is a very crucial skill in excelling time practice or examination.

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